
Materiali schermanti, schermatura campi elettromagnetici, camere schermate, vernici conduttive.

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In 1984, Mr. Ivano Soliani founded the company S.I.R.I., to create a production of shielding products alternative to foreign manufacturers.
The mission is to develop products able to meet the European and Italian requirements, collaborating with research institutes and laboratories.

From the 1994 the activity field increase with new raw materials as honeycomb panel vent in steel and stainless steel to shield electro magnetic field. On the 1995 given the the possibility to use textile electrically conductive from America companies that are finallyzed for gaskets applications, our Company decide for a new investiment starting a metallisation line over polyester fabric with electroless nickel. This line offer a possibility to create an electrically surface conductivity and the use of nickel garantie that the resistivity arrive to be not affected from salt spray fog. This production line found a great interest for the stronger adhesion on the surface of the microfibers and inside on the textile structure. This arrive to be with the polyester fabric an important point in advantage to the abrasion resistance. The treatment is made on Non Woven also for new low cost solutions.

With the Olivetti Company are made products for Tempest applications.

To develop new articles we arrive to made an agreement with a laboratory qualified Sinal to test all products according MIL G 83528 and others performances references.

We arrive to change the company from SAS in SRL and at this time change the name S.I.R.I. arrive to change on SOLIANI EMC. The location is again in Como but we move near the Motor Way to be ready for fast delivery and for space to work.

At this time we arrive to made an ageement for electrically conductive paints with SPRAYLAT. Thermoplastic containers are paint in a short time to offer a possibility to test and install in the same time a gaskets conductive.The silicons electrically conductive sponge that is possible dispense directly on the plastic box or metal box is a new application that offer economic and faster solutions. On the 2000 we realize the first shielded room that is easy to dismantle with the conductive fabric.

This have dimensions 7 mt x 5 mt x 3 mt .We start to enlarge the activity field using structure that arrive to be made with the customers requirements.

On the 2001 SOLIANI EMC SRL install a line for a deposition of silicons sponge electrically conductive that arrive to work fast and in tollerance. Start the extrusion line for silicon conductive to arrive to solve the section drawing requared from the customers. The possibility to close and shield connections cable arrive to garantie the use of the shielded bellow , first in the world, for a flexible application. The SOLIANI EMC have inside responsibles that on the past they have see and work with a cooperation stronger. The connection with the partners are today one the best advantages to offer what we dont have again made for shielded customised product solutions. The future need to be a stronger time for customer solutions.